Saturday 81: Sanctuary

Two weeks ago I did over a hundred miles on Saturday, and I didn’t feel half as sore as I do now having only done 81 yesterday. I’m pretty sure I know why too. When 25 of your last 30 miles look like this, it’ll wear an old body out:

A lot of up and down to get home from a lot of flatland to start things out.

And the land was flat because we went to the coast, did a seawall, then jumped a few fences to get to some beautiful (but incredibly flat) habitat. Still, one of our favorite rides. Next time though I’ll do it in reverse (clockwise).

Early morning, fresh air.
A bit misty.
The only bike you’ll ever need in Korea.
About 2/3 of the way across the 7-mile seawall.
We love roads with no traffic. Just have to know where to look.
On the west end of the seawall.
Really no traffic.
Flat and vast, but beautiful.
With the occasional obstacle.
Passed through a local farmers’ market on the way home.
And then…it was green. A month ago, not so much.
Outside the ROKMC HQ. I’ve taken dozens of pictures of this thing over the years.
Some people are nervous about riding on Korean roads. You just have to know what you’re doing.
There’ll be rice in the fields within the week.
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